BANDEAU Poinçonnage Profil - Extrusion Virole
BANDEAU Usinage Profil - Découpe Crémone
BANDEAU Expansion Tube - Outil-sous-presse Plat
BANDEAU Rétreint Filière Tube - Rétreint Mors Tube
BANDEAU Poinçonnage Tube - Ecrasage Détourage Poinçonnage Tube
BANDEAU Poinçonnage Tube - Grugeage Tube
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Agriculture – Machinery

ATTP offers various standards in the agricultural machinery sector (punching machine, shearing machine, notching machine, tube swaging machine, etc.), as well as customised solutions perfectly tailored to your requirements. By integrating and combining our punching, shearing and sawing units, we can reduce handling time and optimise costs. Our latest NC line is over 30m long, enabling us to produce finished parts on demand (shearing, punching and marking).

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