BANDEAU Poinçonnage Profil - Extrusion Virole
BANDEAU Usinage Profil - Découpe Crémone
BANDEAU Expansion Tube - Outil-sous-presse Plat
BANDEAU Rétreint Filière Tube - Rétreint Mors Tube
BANDEAU Poinçonnage Tube - Ecrasage Détourage Poinçonnage Tube
BANDEAU Poinçonnage Tube - Grugeage Tube
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Industry – Handling equipment

ATTP designs and manufactures numerous machines for the construction sector based mainly on 2 key processes :

  • Tube swaging with jaws or crimping : ATTP offers automatic or manual machines with different capacities. Our machines are commonly used for tube swaging for press-fitting or via specific tooling for crimping such as nuts in a tube. Discover our range of machines here
  • Punching with or without deformation : ATTP offers manual stations as well as the integration of punching units on manual or automatic feed machines. The combination of multiple ATTP standard punching units of the UPU 2.5 or UPU 4 type on a punching table means that a whole range of tubes can be punched on demand (trolleys, rolls, etc.). Discover our punching options with and without deformation here